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Introducing #ShakeSquads

You will learn how ShakeSquads work, how much you will receive and how to create a ShakeSquad, invite your friends or leave your ShakeSquad.

Updated over 4 months ago

#ShakeSquads allows customers to stack sats with their friends by creating squads (groups) together. Customers can invite up to 4 friends to join their squad. Everyone in the squad gets 42 bonus sats whenever a member uses their Shakepay Card for a transaction over $1.

What is a #ShakeSquad?

A #ShakeSquad is a group you create with up to 4 other friends to earn bonus sats on each other’s Shakepay Card purchases, settled directly to the bitcoin balance of their Shakepay account. Whenever a fellow squad member uses their Shakepay Card on a transaction over $1, everyone in the squad gets 42 bonus sats. We call these “bonus” sats because you get them on top of your regular cashback rewards.

How does #ShakeSquads work?

Each #ShakeSquad can have 2 types of members Contributors and 🌱 Rookies. Your status indicates whether you’re earning and contributing sats for the squad.

Contributors are Shakepay customers that have already used their Shakepay Card to make a purchase. If you create a #ShakeSquad or join one as a contributor, your purchases will contribute bonus sats to the squad, and your squad members' purchases will contribute to yours. You will also be able to invite others to join the squad.

🌱 Rookies are Shakepay customers that haven’t used their Shakepay Card before. Once your first Shakepay Card purchase is settled, you automatically become a contributor, so start spending!

How do I create a #ShakeSquad?

To create a #ShakeSquad, you must first sign up for the Shakepay Card and make a purchase with your Shakepay Card. If you already have the Shakepay Card and have previously made a purchase then you're all set!

Follow these instructions to create your ShakeSquad:

  1. Open the Shakepay app and log in.

  2. Click on the card tab at the bottom of your screen.

  3. Click Create ShakeSquad.

  4. Choose your emblem.

  5. Type the name of your squad.

  6. Click Create your #Shakequad.

  7. Invite at least one friend by adding their shaketag.

  8. Click Send invitation.

Once you’ve created your squad, you can start inviting your friends to join!

How do I invite someone to my ShakeSquad?

In order to send a squad invitation you must have the status of a contributor.

Follow these steps to invite a friend to your ShakeSquad:

  1. Open the Shakepay app and sign in.

  2. Click the card tab at the bottom of the screen.

  3. Click View my #ShakeSquad under the Bonus reward

  4. Click Invite a friend.

  5. Add your friend's shaketag (username).

  6. Add a personal message if you'd like.

  7. Click Send invitation.

After accepting the invite, your friend will become a member of your squad and you will see their @shaketag in the “Squad members'' section of the #ShakeSquad home screen. After they accept your invite and make a purchase with their Shakepay Card, you will earn bonus sats on their purchases!

Who can I invite to my #ShakeSquad?

You can invite any Shakepay customer to join your squad. You’ll just need their @shaketag to send them an invite. Once your friend receives your invite, they will need to register for a Shakepay Card first in order to accept your invite and join your squad.

Any shaker can join your squad, even if they haven't used the Shakepay Card, but they’ll start as a rookie and will need to use the card to start earning and contributing bonus sats.

Why can’t I invite someone to my #Shakesquad?

If you can’t invite someone to your #ShakeSquad, it might mean that the person being invited is already a member of another squad, or that you haven’t made your first purchase yet with your Shakepay Card.

Once you make your first purchase with your card you will be able to send invites, or even start up a #ShakeSquad of your own.

How do I accept an invite to join my friend’s #ShakeSquad?

Follow these steps to accept an invitation to a #ShakeSquad:

  1. Open the Shakepay app and sign in.

  2. Click the card tab at the bottom of the screen.

  3. Click the Join the Squad button under the bonus rewards section

  4. Confirm you wish to join the squad.

You will then be brought to your #ShakeSquad home screen and you are ready to start earning bonus sats with every purchase.

How do I join an existing #ShakeSquad?

To join a #ShakeSquad, you’ll need an invite to a squad created by someone else. Head over to the #shakepay-card channel on Discord to see if someone from the Shakepay community has an extra invite. Remember, the more people in your squad the more bonus sats you will earn!

How do I leave my #ShakeSquad?

Follow these steps to leave your ShakeSquad:

  1. Open the Shakepay app and sign in.

  2. Click the card tab at the bottom of the screen.

  3. Click View my #ShakeSquad under the Bonus reward

  4. Select the “Leave” button beside your @shaketag under the list of squad members.

You can leave your #ShakeSquad anytime by visiting the #ShakeSquad home screen from the card tab and select the “Leave” button beside your @shaketag under the list of squad members.

How do I kick someone out of my #ShakeSquad?

You are unable to kick out or remove someone out of your squad. You can ask a member to leave the squad by having them select the ‘Leave’ button beside their @shaketag in the #ShakeSquad home screen.

You can also leave the #ShakeSquad and create or join a new one.

To leave a #ShakeSquad and create a new one, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Shakepay app and log in.

  2. Click the card tab at the bottom of your screen.

  3. Click the #ShakeSquad home screen on the card tab.

  4. Select Leave next to your shaketag.

  5. You can then create a new #ShakeSquad by clicking Create ShakeSquad.

  6. Choose your emblem.

  7. Type the name of your squad.

  8. Click Create your #ShakeSquad.

  9. Invite at least one friend by adding their shaketag.

  10. Click Send invitation.

If you wish to remind a friend to make purchase because they are not active, you will need to send them a message outside Shakepay.

Can I change the name or emoji of my #ShakeSquad?

You will not be able to change the name or emoji of your #ShakeSquad after it has been created, so choose wisely!

Can I be in more than one #ShakeSquad?

You can only be a part of one #ShakeSquad at a time but you can still leave your current squad and join another.

I’m the last person left in my #ShakeSquad, what happens if I leave?

You can still leave your #ShakeSquad even if you are the only person in it. If you decide to leave, it will delete the squad and you will have the option to either create a new one or join an existing squad.

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