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How do I invite someone to my #ShakeSquad?
How do I invite someone to my #ShakeSquad?
Updated over a week ago

In order to send a squad invitation you must have the status of a contributor.

To invite a friend to your #ShakeSquad, head to the card tab and select “View my #ShakeSquad” under the “Bonus reward” section. Here, you’ll be able to view the members of your squad and invite a friend by selecting “Invite a friend'' at the bottom of the #ShakeSquad home screen.

Next, you’ll need to enter your friend’s @shaketag (username), include a short note with your invite if you want to (it’s optional), and tap “Send invitation”. After accepting the invite, your friend will become a member of your squad and you will see their @shaketag in the “Squad members'' section of the #ShakeSquad home screen.

Who can I invite to my #ShakeSquad?

You can invite any Shakepay customer to join your squad. You’ll just need their @shaketag to send them an invite. Once your friend receives your invite, they will need to register for a Shakepay Card first in order to accept your invite and join your squad.

Any shaker can join your squad, even if they haven't used the Shakepay Card, but they’ll start as a rookie and will need to use the card to start earning and contributing bonus sats.

How do I accept an invite to join my friend’s #ShakeSquad?

You can accept an invitation to a #ShakeSquad by clicking the invite notification or heading to the card tab in your Shakepay app. Click the “Join the Squad” button under the bonus rewards section on the card tab and confirm you wish to join the squad. You will then be brought to your #ShakeSquad home screen and are ready to start earning bonus sats with every purchase.

How do I join an existing #ShakeSquad?

To join a #ShakeSquad, you’ll need an invite to a squad created by someone else. Head over to the #shakepay-card channel on Discord to see if someone from the Shakepay community has an extra invite. Remember, the more people in your squad the more bonus sats you will earn!

Why can’t I invite someone to my #Shakesquad?

If you can’t invite someone to your #ShakeSquad, it might mean that the person being invited is already a member of another squad, or that you haven’t made your first purchase yet with your Shakepay Card.

Once you make your first purchase with your card you will be able to send invites, or even start up a #ShakeSquad of your own.

Can I change the name or emoji of my #ShakeSquad?

You will not be able to change the name or emoji of your #ShakeSquad after it has been created, so choose wisely!

Can I be in more than one #ShakeSquad?

You can only be a part of one #ShakeSquad at a time but you can still leave your current squad and join another. To leave a squad, select the ‘Leave’ button beside your @shaketag in the #ShakeSquad home screen.

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