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How to pay bills

How to add a payee and make bill payments on Shakepay

Updated over 9 months ago

How do I pay a bill?

If you haven’t already, you will need to first add your payee (see section below).

Please follow these steps to pay your bill:

  1. Open the Shakepay app

  2. Click the Send button on the home screen

  3. Click Pay a bill

  4. Select the payee you want to pay a bill to

  5. Input the amount of your bill or the amount you wish to pay

  6. Click Review

  7. Click Confirm

Bill payments typically take 2-3 days to be reflected on the payee’s account.

How do I add a payee?

If you want to add a payee to pay a bill on Shakepay, please follow these quick steps to add your payee:

  1. Open the Shakepay app

  2. Click the Send button on the home screen

  3. Click Pay a bill

  4. Click Add payee

  5. Start typing your payee’s name. Usually you will see it displayed below after typing the first 4 letters of the name.

  6. Go to your payee’s invoice and copy the account number

  7. Paste it in the Account number field (double check there is no typo)

  8. Click Add Payee

Your payee will be saved and you’ll be able to select them for future bill payments.

How do I suggest a new payee which is not yet listed?

If you are looking to add a payee which you don’t see listed, please reach out in the support chat and request to add a payee.

Note: there is no guarantee that we will be able to add all requested payees.

How do I edit or delete a payee?

If you need to update the account information on a payee or delete it, you can follow the steps below.

Follow these steps to edit a payee:

  1. Open the Shakepay app

  2. Click the Send button on the home screen

  3. Click Pay a bill

  4. Click Manage Payees

  5. Click the pen next to the payee you wish to edit or delete

  6. Enter your account number then click Save changes to update the account number.

Follow these steps to delete a payee:

  1. Open the Shakepay app

  2. Click the Send button on the home screen

  3. Click Pay a bill

  4. Click Manage Payees

  5. Click the pen next to the payee you wish to delete

  6. Click the Delete button at the top right

  7. Click the Delete button in the pop up

If you have any questions or run into any issues, please contact support.

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