If you have a complaint about Shakepay’s products and services, please let us know using our Customer Support chat and select the formal complaint option.
Here are the steps to submit a formal complaint in the app:
Open the Shakepay app and log in.
Click the Settings wheel at the bottom right.
Click Help.
Click Support Chat.
Click Send us a message.
Click Get Started.
Click How do I...
Type Formal complaint.
Click How to...
Click Submit a Formal Complaint.
Click I wish to make a formal complaint.
Choose the topic of your complaint.
Add your formal complaint and submit.
Here are the steps to submit a formal complaint on our website:
Open the Shakepay website and log in.
Click the blue bubble on the bottom right of your screen.
Click Send us a message.
Click Get Started
Click How do I...
Type Formal complaint
Click How to...
Click Submit a Formal Complaint
Click I wish to make a formal complaint
Choose the topic of your complaint
Add your formal complaint and submit.
Tell us:
What happened
When it happened
What you expect is needed to resolve the issue
Help us resolve your complaint sooner
Make your complaint as soon as possible.
Reply promptly if we ask you for more information.
Keep copies of all relevant documents.
We will acknowledge your complaint
You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt for your complaint. We may ask you to provide clarification or more information to help us resolve your complaint.
We will provide our decision
We normally provide our decision in writing within 90 days of receiving a complaint. Our decision will include:
A summary of the complaint
Results of Investigation
Final Decision of Complaint and Explanation
If Shakepay’s Decision is Delayed
Depending on the complexity of the issue, it may take longer to investigate a complaint. If our decision is delayed, we will:
Inform you of the delay
Explain why our decision is delayed
Give you a new date for our decision
At this point, residents outside of Quebec have the right to ask the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (“OBSI”) for their independent dispute resolution services.
If You Are Not Satisfied With the Decision
If you are not satisfied with our decision, there are different options available to you depending on the product(s) your complaint relates to and province or territory you live in.
Complaints related to your self-directed account(s)
When you use your Shakepay account, you are responsible for making your investment decisions in crypto. For this reason, we call your crypto account a “self-directed account”. If you are not satisfied with our decision related to your Shakepay Inc. account, other options available to you include:
litigation or civil action, and/or
escalation to the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (see below).
If you are a resident of Québec, you may also consider the free mediation service offered by the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF). For more information, visit the AMF website.
Your crypto account(s) are provided by Shakepay Inc., a member of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (“CIRO”, formerly the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada or “IIROC”). If you believe that Shakepay Inc. has violated CIRO rules, you can also submit a regulatory complaint to CIRO for an assessment of whether disciplinary action is warranted. For more information, visit the CIRO website.
Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments
You may be eligible for the free and independent dispute resolution service provided by the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI) if:
we do not provide our decision within 90 days after you made your complaint, or
you are not satisfied with our decision
OBSI can recommend compensation of up to $350,000. However, the OBSI dispute resolution service requires that we complete our investigation before they can begin their independent review of your complaint.
Escalating to the OBSI does not restrict your ability to take a complaint to a dispute resolution service of your choosing at your own expense, or to bring an action in court. Keep in mind there are time limits for taking legal action.
If we do not provide you with our decision within 90 days, you can take your complaint to OBSI any time after the 90-day period has ended. If you are not satisfied with our decision, you have up to 180 days after we provide you with our decision to take your complaint to OBSI. The OBSI generally will not investigate a complaint until we have completed our investigation, unless the 90-day period has been exceeded.
Escalations can be submitted through the OBSI website, by email to [email protected], or by phone at 1 (888) 451-4519. For more information on OBSI, visit www.obsi.ca.
Please note that you always have a right to contact a lawyer for legal advice related to your complaint. There may be time limits for taking legal action and we recommend you discuss any legal options with a lawyer.
We are sorry that we did not meet your expectations, but we appreciate you taking the time to let us know through your complaint. Your feedback helps us learn and improve to better serve our customers like you!
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How to contact the Shakepay support team?